Keller Schroeder Sponsors Sold-Out Nashville Software Crafters’ Speaker Series


Keller Schroeder was honored to sponsor the Nashville Software Crafters’ inaugural event of its speaker series on February 6, 2020. The sold-out event featured world-renowned author and speaker Robert C. Martin (a.k.a. “Uncle Bob”) – one of the founders of “The Agile Manifesto” in 2001, creator of several software principles and patterns, and author of best-selling books such as “Clean Code” and Clean Architecture.”

Uncle Bob spoke of the importance of quality, integrity, candor, and professionalism to more than 200 software professionals in attendance. His 50 years of industry experience, contagious sense of humor, and passion for his craft resonated with everyone in the room. You can learn more about Uncle Bob at or purchase his books on Amazon.

Jill Epperson and Cathy Graper joined Connor Bailey and Rob Wilson from our Nashville office to represent our Keller Schroeder’s Application Solutions Group at the event. Thank you to the organizers for putting together a fantastic event, and thanks to all the kind folks who visited with us at our table.

ASG - Nashville Software Crafters_ASG Team    ASG - Nashville Software Crafters_Sponsors    ASG - Nashville Software Crafters_Rob On Stage


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