Keller Schroeder understands that no business, no matter its size or business category, can afford to be reactive in terms of its technical environment. Our suite of Scheduled Managed Services is designed to routinely monitor and update your environment to ensure it is performing as efficiently as possible, with the expectation of mitigating any potential concerns before they arise.

We also recognize that your environment is completely unique to your company and its users. Whether you utilize networking systems, security, virtualization, storage, or other technology solutions, Keller Schroeder can customize a specialized agreement of services to proactively perform tasks designed to properly maintain the health of your specific environment.

Want to learn how we can help you proactively maintain your environment?

Example tasks incorporated into our SMS agreements:

  • Perform log review, capacity planning, and system assessment bi-monthly including a summary of systems status, including recommendations for improvements and areas of concern.
  • Perform operating system patches and anti-virus updates on servers and workstations.
  • Create and maintain documentation of all systems covered by the agreement.
  • Participate in strategic systems and network design sessions to provide input on appropriate technical considerations.
  • Provide systems administration and maintenance for all Windows servers within your environment.
  • Provide implementation and support services as schedule allows after completion of recurring tasks being performed at your location.
  • Review device log information and error counts on designated network equipment.
  • Ensure current firmware/code is applied as required.
  • Ensure device configuration backups are stored in a secure location.

Included with each signed SMS agreement are the following enhanced services:

  • TechLink Ticket Prioritization and Shared Organizational View
  • Vulnerability Scan Report (1 host per Quarter)
  • IT Planning

Click here to access the Keller Schroeder Support Portal

Please contact your Account Manager to learn more about Keller Schroeder’s SMS offerings and how we assist you in proactively preserving the strength of your environment.


Security Tip of the Week

Security Tip of the Week – Malware Spreadsheet Spread

This week’s scam involves cybercriminals sending an email that resembles a payment invoice, urging immediate action. Scammers always look for ways to get you to make impulsive decisions. They usually scare or alarm you so that you react without thinking. In this week’s scam, cybercriminals send you an email with many urgent-sounding words that are

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