In Sync


While taking a walk on the trails behind USI over the holidays, I noticed an elderly couple ahead of me cutting a pretty healthy pace and seeming to enjoy every minute of their time together. There was an engaging conversation, lots of animated gestures, and little regard for anyone or anything around them. The outcome of their walk would be better fitness and a satisfying destination, but a deeper relationship was also being carved out along the way.

As I watched them I noticed something kind of funny about their gait – it was absolutely identical. He was taller and heavier than her, yet her legs must have been proportionately just enough longer to allow the couple to continually walk side-by-side, step-by-step – left, right, left, right – exactly in sync, without even knowing it. This went on for quite some time, and yes, I was just bored enough to take notice. I know, I need to get a life.

This reminded me, strangely enough, about the way we at Keller Schroeder like to approach our relationships with our clients. We may not look alike or be similar in “size and shape” to you, but our goal is to “adjust our gait” to walk alongside you in a meaningful relationship, reaching a more satisfying destination for you and your team than what you could otherwise achieve without us. We avoid getting too much out in front of you, or behind you. We want to work with you in such a way that it feels effortless – in sync with your goals and objectives.

We pride ourselves in listening intently and providing a unique, customized approach for each individual client contact we engage with. While we have much to offer in our skills, experience, and certifications, what makes us most effective is how we listen and synchronize our capabilities with your needs. To us, it is not first about the technology – it is about impacting you in a positive way – coming alongside you to help you leverage technology tools and services to more successfully achieve your objectives.

We wish you the best in 2015, and we will make it our top priority to “sync up” with you, step-by-step, with your destination in mind.

Please contact us if we can engage with you in a new way. We will make every effort to listen and bring new solutions to the table.

Larry May


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